Saturday, April 7, 2012


Once again, my apologies on being so late with this blog.  I obviously have to teach myself how to blog more religiously here.  As I am looking back on this past school year, I cannot believe how quickly it has flown by.  6th Grade Flag-Football began last week as we prepare for out first game this Tuesday.  I am very excited to be coaching the 6th grade team, as it gives me an opportunity to become more active within my school community. 
These past few weeks I have been focusing on preparing my students for the state tests that begin this week.  We have finished our final preparations as we are now in review mode.  I have been pulling small-groups that have a direct focus on a variety of skills that those small-groups are struggling with.  This year truly has been a blessing as I look back on it thus far.  Pawnee has become a home-away-from home for me as I normally arrive at 7:30am and leave school around 6-7:30pm every night.  This year has been extremely fun and I have learned a lot through my mentor, fellow staff members, as well as, the various professional development opportunities I have taken part. 
This past week, I received an email stating that I was nominated for the Bag 'N Save teacher of the week.  I was honored to have been nominated by my students and colleagues!  I hope all of you have a Happy Easter and enjoy spending time with your family and friends!